Sexual Violence in History: A Bibliography

compiled by Stefan Blaschke


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First published: November 1, 2024 - Last updated: November 1, 2024


Author: Cynthia Rodríguez Blanco

Title: Ser Madre en solitario

Subtitle: Un retrato de las familias incompletas en la Castilla Moderna

Translation: Being a Lonely Mother: a Portrait of Incomplete Families in Modern Castile

Journal: Studia Historica: Historia Moderna

Volume: 46

Issue: 1: Identidad, familia y pautas de civilización en la España Moderna: herencias en transformación

Year: 2024 (Received: April 2, 2024, Accepted: May 20, 2024, Published online: August 27, 2024)

Pages: 61-85

ISSN: 0213-2079 - Find a Library: WorldCat | eISSN: 2386-3889 - Find a Library: WorldCat

Language: Spanish

Keywords: Modern History: 16th Century, 17th Century, 18th Century | European History: Spanish History | Types: Rape


Link: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca (Free Access)


Author: Google Scholar, ORCID

Abstract: »Throughout the Modern Age, a female gender model was imposed in Western society in which women reached their full potential through married motherhood. Starting from this premise, in this article we propose to know the vital experience of all those women who, due to neglect or absence of their lovers, were forced to face motherhood alone. For this we have used assistance and criminal documentation dated throughout the 16th-18th centuries that tells us about rapes, abortions, infanticides, abandonments and adoptions. In any case, a multifaceted reality that has not received enough attention because it does not respond to the ideal family model: Christian, orderly and hierarchical, in which the man took care of the financial support and the woman the care.« (Source: Studia Historica: Historia Moderna)

  Resumen (p. 61)
  Abstract (p. 61)
  1. Introducción (p. 62)
  2. Los tempranos pecados de la carne: Maternidad y soltería (p. 63)
    2.1. Abrazando la maternidad (p. 64)
    2.2. Rechazando al fruto de sus entrañas (p. )
  3. Cuidar de los hijos durante la viudedad (p. 74)
  4. Ser madre a través de la adopción y el prohijamiento (p. 78)
  5. Conclusiones (p. 81)
  6. Bibliografía (p. 82)

Wikipedia: History of Europe: History of Spain / Habsburg, Spain in the 17th century, History of Spain (1700–1808) | Sex and the law: Rape / History of rape